Thursday, May 14, 2009

Little Baggy Box

What is your purpose?
Why are you there?
You clearly weren't useless
You were clearly left bare
Click, Clack, Cluck
Alone on the floor...

Monday, April 27, 2009

We Sold Our Souls to Pay the Rent

This addictions got me itchin to do things I hate
the result was my fault but it kept me feeling great
I was insane to love that pain but I think it was fate
my futures downhill, its almost inevitable
but i'm laying here with you, and it feels incredible
I don't know if its your sky blue eyes,
or the drugs in my system just telling me lies

Your heart starts to beat, at an unsteady pace
you try to stay calm, but your mind starts to race
then all of a sudden it got quiet
your hearts still beating like an insane riot
is this how its supposed to feel?
because it doesn't feel good, and it doesn't feel real

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Favorite Holiday

As fireballs paint the clear summer sky
I can feel the vibrations rock me.
The radiant scent of fruit encrusted in pie
draws countless amounts of bees.

So Much Depends Upon

The Good Life

So much depends



in a life worth

Twinkle Rewrite

Glittering, glowing, gleam of light
I wonder about you through the night
Through the sky and into space
Glowing like a child's face
Shining, shimmering, shooting light
I wonder about you through the night

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Acronym Poem



Riddle Poem

I come in many shapes, sizes, and forms
And I always love to skip
I'm as quiet as a vacant forest
I am an unmoving tree
If you pick me up and hurl me, its the only time I'm free
I love the wind and rain
but really hate the snow
Because when it is falling, no one cares where I go.
